In order to give Keepers access to eIndkomst, you need to make sure that you have access to it. Once you have the access, you can allow us to report eIndkomst for you. 

Check that you have access to eIndkomst

Log in at Tastselv Erhverv as a company (erhverv)

Choose “Ansatte

Choose “Indberet til eIndkomst eller Letløn”.

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Choose Ӯndre tilmeldingsoplysninger
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Find “Indberetning til/forespørgsel på eIndkomst/Letløn
    • If it is under the header “System(er) virksomheden er tilmeldt
      • Then you already have access, which means you do not need to change anything
    • If it is under the header “System(er) virksomheden er ikke tilmeldt
      • Then you do not have access, and you need to click in the box to the right under “Ønsker at tilmelde” and then press “Godkend” to approve the change.

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Authorize Keepers to report eIndkomst

The admin of the company logs in to

Choose “Ansatte” and “Indberet til eIndkomst eller Letløn”.

Choose “Autorisere revisor m.fl. til indberetning

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Type in our company registration number 36079886 next to “Indberetning til/forespørgsel på eIndkomst/LetLøn”, mark the box for “Ønsker at tilmelde” and press “Godkend” to approve the change.

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Give Keepers right to report for your company

Press "Profil- og kontaktoplysninger"

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Choose ”Rettigheder til TastSelv” in the menu to the left.

Choose ”Autoriser revisor m.fl.” in the menu to the left

Choose the area (eindkomst), you want to give us access to under “Rettigheder” (“Rights”) (1). Press the arrow (2).

Type in Keepers CVR number 36079886 under Cvr-/se-nr (3). Press the arrow (4).

In the field for ”Slutdato” (end date) choose the period of time in which you want Keepers to have the access.(5). Choose save.

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